Monday, April 29, 2019

Comparison of two books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparison of two books - Essay Exampleurther, many institutions such as the military organizations, the Catholic Church, and also in business conglomerates (the glass ceiling) class period gender discrimination through a shape of ways to subjugate and dominate women by overt and subtle means. The military excluded the women from combat roles and officership positions until only late while the Catholic hierarchy does not ordain female priests, and many global corporations still practice gender discrimination despite the efforts of feminists to break the glass ceiling and join the boards of their companies (women workers in general regain lower pay and in lower positions).In her eye-opening book titled Lydias Open Door within Mexicos Most Modern Brothel author Patty Kelly managed to document a hidden industry which that countrys semipolitical leaders proudly touted as an example of their nations march towards modernization and globalization through neo-liberalism by modernizing its harlotry industry through the so-called proper monitoring of the health of its prostitutes, professionalizing its practice by a series of regulations, and in many ways euphemistically helping these women from being further exploited by reprehensible gangs because now they work under government supervision.While female prostitutes sell their bodies for sex acts, they also preserve their own subjugation by a male-dominated society. This is why feminists have waged a vigorous and continuing charge against prostitution (legal or not) but this practice will still persist if the women themselves do not do something against it. The government of Mexico, in particular a local or municipal government unit in the state of Chiapas in the barrio of Tuxtla Gutierrez, had conceived of a brilliant idea to formally legalize prostitution ostensibly to baffle this commercial sex street-level activity into a modern form of experiment in social hygiene. The title objective is to protect fema le prostitutes but end

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