Monday, April 22, 2019

Supermax Prisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supermax Prisons - Essay ExampleThe first boast of a keep unit prison is that prisoners are kept in solitary confinement in tiny cells and they do not have the privilege of congregate dining, exercise, religious services and there are no work opportunities (CEML, par 2). Control unit prisons do not have official policies regarding their restrictions. Furthermore, the punishments inflicted on the prisoners are made in the guise of administrative measures (CEML, par 2).Reading through the article, one cannot protagonist but feel pity for the prisoners of these control unit prisons. One was not aware that there is a proliferation of human rights violation inside the control units. The cruelty and brutality of the physical as well as psychological tortures imposed on the prisoners are beyond ones imagination. Aside from the abuse that the prisoners defend from the prison guards, there is no intention of rehabilitation in these control units. What is even more impress is that many p risons in several states in the US have emulated the inhuman conditions that have prevailed in the Marion prison. concord to prison officials, the spread of the control units all over the US is due to three reasons. They claim that the control units contain the most violent prisoners who need to be separated from other prisons (CEML, par 40). They go on further to say that violence is reduced because the most violent person is isolated. Lastly, prison officials argue that bail can be minimized at the other prisons because of the reduction of violence brought about by the absence seizure of the worst prisoners (CEML, par 40).As if the government was not satisfied with the ruthlessness in the Marion, it even created a replacement that boasts of tighter control for prisoners. The Florence prison is supposed to possess a state of the art technology with electronic doors, cameras and audio equipment (CEML, par 28). Human contact with prisoners

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